Monday, October 28, 2019

Eight tips for improving writing

For a good translation,whether simple, technical or sworn,it is essential that the original text becohesive and structured. In this way, perfecting in writing can ensure quality and excellence in the documents written and avoid possible translation errors.
Below are some tips to improve writing:
1) Read more and diversify reading
Through reading we come into contact with the language and its different records and learn in practice rules of the standard standard without having to decorate all normative grammar. However, it is essential to diversify the type of reading and thus know the genres and their characteristics;
2) Avoid paragraphs with more than five lines
Paragraphs exist to create a gap between one subject and another within the same theme. In very long paragraphs, you run the risk of being long-winded and also making more mistakes. Ideally, it's a paragraph for each idea or argument.
3) Complete thoughts
Has you ever happened to talk to someone for half an hour, and in the end, you're not sure what they said? When we talk it's common for some phrase to be unfinished, when we write, everything must start, middle and end and need to be very coherent, otherwise your text will be meaningless.
4) Data composes, but are not a text
It is common to research a subject and then not know what to do with so much data that we find. Know that what will value your text is the ability to interpret this data and present it clearly. Just putting them together doesn't do what you wrote a meaningful text – in this case it would be better to make a list of topics and let your reader interpret them.
5) Avoid getting sentences with 'but' and 'e'
Conjunction "but" and the preposition "e" are used to connect sentences. Thus, it is not recommended that they start prayers. This is not a rule, however, it is not very common and, in the cultured norm, the ideal is to avoid this artifice.
6) Think of the reader
Before you finish a text, imagine someone else reading it. What impression will she have on you for what she wrote? Will she understand what is written or have you chosen very difficult and unusual words? Will she hold to read to the end or will she find the text too long or meaningless? As cultured as a person is, if they can't make themselves understood, you won't be able to communicate.
7) Do not overdo
Like everything in life, less is more. Whether in size, in the use of too complicated words or in adjectives. Remember that few people devote a lot of time to a single reading. Therefore, you do not extend more than necessary.
8) Read aloud
When you read aloud, you encounter agreement errors, repeated words, and even entire phrases that are unnecessary. Whenever you finish the text, read it once, make the first necessary hits, and then read it aloud. You'll probably have one more change or another to make. Contact us for further information here: legal translation services

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